Passport Gives Global

We donate a portion of sales to global charities that specialize in sustainable business models. We also lend profits in support of entrepreneurs on


Kiva- Loans that change lives.  Kiva, the world's largest microloan charity that allows people to lend money to low-income entrepreneurs and students in over 80 countries, in order to alleviate poverty.

Spark Ventures- Chicago based non-profit organization that works toward building relationships that will lift communities out of poverty


Liz has been active with philanthropy for a number of years and is excited to be the first company to have a direct charitable model with Spark Ventures. Liz has traveled to Nicaragua and Mexico with Sparks to learn more about their sustainable giving model and personally see the good that transpires as a result.

“What immediately struck me with the community center in Nicaragua was the name, Las Tias, which means “The Aunts” in Spanish. 

It was founded by women who had stands in the local market, and saw at risk children hanging around with no direction.  Instead of seeing this as a problem, they helped."

Passport to Organics' Charity Initiative will be able to help those in need all over the world. Through the power of the Passport Gives Global, charities specializing in sustainable business models will be able to grow and prosper going into the future. To learn more, visit and



SHOP - Purchase any Passport to Organics’ items on our website at

DONATE - We donate 1% of net profits to global charities that specialize in sustainable business models

HELP - Make a difference by helping those in need all over the world



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